Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013


Dari: Incredible Toes Life: STARLIGHT 2013 by SMA REGINA PACIS JAKARTA:

Regina Pacis Senior High School Proudly Presents

For bloggers who live in Jakarta, Indonesia. Important message, read this :)
Before read, watch this! ^^

Be the LIGHT!
August 31st - September 7th 2013

Men's Basketball - Women's Basketball - Futsal - Men's Volleyball - Women's Volleyball - Band - Poster Design - DotA/CS - Paskibra - Modern Dance - Photography - Wall Magazine - Coloring - Drawing - Choir

Open online registration until 23rd August 2013. Register your school team and win up to 50 million of PRIZES!
Kindly ask for the form starting on 18 July 2013 
@ SMA Regina Pacis Jakarta - Jalan Palmerah Utara 1/1 Slipi Jakarta Barat 1480
(Let us know if you want the proposal to be sent to your school)

Further info:
Follow twitter: @starlightRPJ  |  @Recisjkt

HURRY UP! Don't let the others take your chance to win the prizes!


It is LESS than a month, people!!

STARLIGHT 2013 is a biannual sports and art competition which is held by my school, SMA Regina Pacis Jakarta.STARLIGHT 2013 is an event to channel up your talents and interests by joining the competitions. As it is mentioned above, there are 15 branch of competitions for kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school students. This is one of SMA Regina Pacis 's grand events.

The purpose of STARLIGHT 2013 is to explore and sharpen the talents also interests of students around Jakarta especially for sports and art section. Beside that, STARLIGHT 2013 also enrich student's experience and tighten up all student's bond of friendship with all schools. YAYYY!!

For you who have/ interested in opening booths/ sponsorship in this event, you can register and get more information by contacting via Twitter @StarlightRPJ

Still don't get it with this event??? WATCH THE TEASER BELOW! AND EMBRACE YOURSELF ^^


Ayo ikutan! Terutama buat kakak-kakaknya yang punya adek tk nih, ikutan yuk lomba mewarnai di Starlight! Ibu-ibunya juga, daftarin yuk buah hati Anda buat ikutan ya!!!! Buat yang mau daftar lomba mewarnai TK, komen di baawah atau email ke yaa!! see ya!!

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Template Baru ^_^

Masih ingat posting ke-100 berjudul 100 fakta tentang depimomo? Nah, ada poin yang berhubungan dengan template kan? Lupa? Yang ini loh:

40. Note: depimomo ganti template dua kali 
41. Kenapa gak banyak-banyak? 
42. Karena males edit HTML nya 
43. Ya, tiap ganti template pasti widgetnya berantakan 
44. Karena itu mesti edit di HTML nya 
45. Template pertama: default dari blogger, warnanya hijau yg tua renta 
46. Template kedua: default dari blogger dengan sedikit custom. Picture window dengan background yg tersedia di blogger dan bisa dipilih sendiri.  
47. Background: kertas notebook putih bergaris dengan gambar-gambar dan coret-coretan matematika ala anak tk yang menurut saya kool 
48. Template ketiga: yang kalian lihat saat ini 
49. Empunya blog tidak berniat ganti template lagi (kecuali blogger memasksa (dinamis, u know) atau nemu template unyu lainnya yang nempel dihati atau udah bisa bikin template sendiri)

Nah, ternyata, poin ke 49 telah terlaksana dengan tempo yang selambat-lambatnya (apa coba). Jadi, depimomo resmi ganti template lagi untuk ke-tiga kalinya! *plok plok plok plok plok plok plok (dilempar balok)* Yang terwujud ternyata yang ketiga, udah bisa bikin template sendiri o3o

Walau masih awut-awutan, yang penting orisinal! *ngotot* Dari background, header, footer, icon, semuanya orisinal! @_@ Bikinnya, semua perangkat digabung. Mulai dari sotosop photoshop *eaa*, sampai paint *gubrak*. Tutorialnya dapet dari mbak Dani di (desember udah jadi blogspot lagi dia, mbaknya udah quit blogging :< )

Nih buat yang penasaran sama yang lama:

Sekarang, ga bisa kembaran lagi deh \(^_^)/

Nah, enjoy our new look!


Celoteh si Devi Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design and Homestay Bukit Gambang

Blogger Templates