Senin, 30 Juli 2012

I Want A Boyfriend!

Are you unable to get a boyfriend? Are you lonely yet you long to have someone in your life that would love and cherish you? Is it just bad luck or are there some reasons why you can't get a boyfriend?

i. Inability to love yourself. Yes I know you thought that he couldn't know how badly you feel about yourself... but it actually shows in various ways.

>Your physical appearance. You do not have to look a certain way in-order to love your body. Do you take care of your appearance? Do you stand up straight and confident? Or are you generally disheveled and dressed in clothes that do not flatter your body? And do you spend most of your time bent over in a bid to study the floor? If so then your body and physical appearance is telling him that you are unhappy and will probably bring that unhappiness to him... so he stays as far from you as is possible.

>Inability to receive compliments. Another reason why you cannot get a boyfriend is your inability to actually believe that anyone (even the guy that you like) can think highly of you. When someone compliments you... what do you do? Do you turn away from the person and mumble something or do you deny the validity of the compliment by trying to explain it away or do you find a way to discount the compliment or do you change the subject without acknowledging the compliment? A man wants to know that he can make you happy so if his words of praise are always deflected then he feels that he cannot please you so he avoids you.

ii. Inability to love others. Yes you think that you love your friends and family members BUT if you have no problems bad mouthing them to others then you may not really love them. Do you have something bad to say about everyone (even your best friends)? Do you have to be the centre of attraction... and will do anything to steal the limelight. If someone notices how beautiful another gal is... are you the 1st to say something nasty about her in a bid to show that she isn't that great? You are not building yourself in his eyes... you are showing him that you are not to be trusted which is why you can't get a boyfriend.

>Inability to give compliments. Are you able to see good in others and compliment them on that good? When is the last time you gave someone a genuine compliment? Do you spend your time being jealous of others and thus completely unable to say anything good to them? You can't get a boyfriend if you cannot appreciate other people... or if you spend all your energy on jealous resentment.

Article Source:

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

You know you're in love if...

You know you’re in love when you can’t keep your eyes off of him.

You know you’re in love when you can’t get your eyes off of him.

You know you’re in love when you do everything to find out his name.

You know you’re in love when you really want to have a chat with him even though he doesn’t know you at all.

You know you’re in love when anything about him becomes the most important knowledge to you.

You know you’re in love when you hate that you got no idea about him.

You know you’re in love when you really hope he has a twitter account so that you can follow him and know many things about him.

You know you’re in love when you really expect your facebook friend request to be confirmed.

You know you’re in love when you really want him to update his twitter or facebook page.

You know you’re in love when you check him facebook page all the time.

You know you’re in love when you’re seeing his picture on and on and you can’t stop at all.

You know you’re in love when you wait for his online nervously.

You know you’re in love when you don’t want to delete all the comments and messages from him.

You know you’re in love when you see him then your heartbeat’s sound is being louder and louder, but you’re voice becomes quieter and quieter.

You know you’re in love when you can’t talk in front of him at all, but you know you really want to.

You know you’re in love when you want to make him smile all the time, as much as you can.

You know you’re in love when his pheromone becomes your new favorite smell.

You know you’re in love when you hope the rain wouldn’t stop when you and him take shelter.

You know you’re in love when you feel the time is going so fast, even too fast, when you’re with him.

You know you’re in love when ‘goodbye’ becomes the hardest word to be said and ‘hello’ becomes the word that you would really miss.

You know you’re in love when your phone rings and you hope it’s him.

You know you’re in love when the phrase “nobody is perfect” becomes a bullshit because he’s perfect for you.

You know you’re in love when you feel there’s nothing left when you’re with him.

You know you’re in love when you realize that your writing contains so many “you know you’re in love”.


dengan sedikit pengubahan

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Cara Menangkal Hipnotis

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, seperti biasa saya pulang sekolah naik bis kopaja. Namun ternyata, kejadian ini tak sebiasa biasanya. Dari awal naik bis saja tuh suasananya udah creepy gimana gitu. Saat itu saya duduk di bangku barisan kedua dari belakang. Bangku paling belakang (yang panjang itu saudara-saudara, yang bisa buat duduk rame-rame hingga berlima, sekadar info buat yang belum pernah naik) awalnya hanya dihuni seorang pemuda.

Beberapa saat kemudian, naiklah tiga pemuda yang bergaya 'sok' preman. Biasa, minta sedekah dengan gaya 'sok' mengancam. Dan seperti biasa pula, saya ga ngasih. Walaupun sepenglihatan saya yang lain di kiri (ibu2), kanan (ibu2 juga), depan (anak sekolah) pada ngasih, saya tetep keukeuh ga ngasih karena prinsip saya "Selama orang itu (pengemis dkk-red) masih sehat walafiat dan kayaknya masih mampu kerja, kenapa ngemis?". Selain itu kan ada pasal 40 Perda DKI 8/2007 yang melarang memberi uang kepada pengemis, ya kan? (padahal aslinya emang ga ada uang :p)

Nah, setelah berhasil "memeras" isi kopaja yang kebanyakan wanita, mereka duduk di bangku paling belakang itu dan mulai merokok. Karena ga tahan asapnya, saya pindah ke bangku yang agak di depan. Akhirnya ketiga orang tadi turun juga. Kayaknya seisi bus menghela nafas lega. Namun, ada yang aneh nih... Ingat seorang pemuda yang tadi duduk sendirian di bangku paling belakang? Nah, si doi ini jadi bengong, melogo. Hipotesis saya: dia dihipnotis! Dan ternyata hipotesis saya tepat! Si kenek kopaja kemudian menepuk-nepuk pundak pemuda tadi dan menyuruhnya mengecek dompetnya. Ia pun mengobrak-abrik tas pinggangnya, kemudian tertunduk lemah. Dompet beserta isinya raib!

Sejenak saya sempat berpikir. Mengapa hal ini dapat terjadi? Bagaimana perasaan pemuda itu? Bagaimana kalau saya tadi duduk di bangku belakang? Bagaimana kalau tadi saya yang dihipnotis? Bagaimana kalau Christine pacaran sama Ayam? (peace tin.. hahaha :p)

Nah, karena itu saya nge-post artikel ini.

Berikut beberapa petunjuk untuk menghindari dan mengatasi kejahatan Hipnotis atau “gendam”

1. Jangan membiarkan pikiranmu kosong ketika berada di daerah umum. Pikiran kosong dapat mengakibatkan gerbang telepathic terbuka, sehingga pihak lain dapat dengan mudah menyampaikan pesan secara telepathic.

2. Waspadalah jika tiba-tiba timbul rasa kantuk yang tidak wajar, ada kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang bermaksud negatif sedang melakukan “telepathic forcing”.

3. Bagi mereka yang memiliki kebiasaan “latah”, sebaiknya jangan bepergian ke tempat umum tanpa teman. Mereka yang mempunyai kebiasaan “latah” cenderung memiliki gerbang bawah sadar yang mudah dibuka paksa dengan bantuan kejutan (Shock Induction). Hal yang sama juga berlaku bagi mereka yang mudah terkejut.

4. Jangan mudah panik jika tiba-tiba ada beberapa orang yang tidak dikenal mengerumunimu untuk suatu alasan yang tidak jelas. Sekali lagi jangan mudah panik ! Karena rasa panik akan mempermudah terbukanya gerbang bawah sadarmu!

5. Jangan mudah panik jika tiba-tiba ada seseorang yang menepuk bahumu ! Usahakan agar pikiran dan panca indera yang kamu miliki tetap dalam keadaan aktif ke seluruh lingkungan ! Jangan terfokus pada ucapan-ucapan orang yang menepukmu ! Segera berpindahlah ke daerah yang lebih ramai !

6. Jika secara tiba-tiba, tanpa alasan yang jelas, dadamu terasa sesak, dan diikuti dengan perut yang agak mual, dan kepala sedikit pusing, waspadalah karena mungkin ada seseorang tengah mengerahkan energi gendam ! Segera lakukan “grounding”, yaitu meniatkan membuang seluruh energi negatif ke bumi (cukup visualisasi).

7. Jika terjadi hal-hal yang mencurigakan, segera sibukkan pikiran kamu agar tetap berada di frekuensi yang mengakibatkan efek hipnotis tidak dapat bekerja ! Antara lain caranya ialah dengan berdoa dalam hati, menyanyi dalam hati, atau memikirkan hal-hal yang berat !

8. Jika ternyata kamu mulai merasa memasuki suatu “kesadaran berbeda” dari biasanya, mungkin kamu sudah mulai terpengaruh oleh hipnotis. Jika anda merasakan hal ini, maka segera niatkan dalam hati bahwa, “Dalam 3 hitungan, saya akan kembali sadar dan normal sepenuhnya ….”, kemudian segera hitung dalam hati : “Satu …, dua, … tiga”.

9. Akhirnya, tanamkan terus menerus di dalam diri anda bahwa hipnotis tidak akan bekerja bagi mereka yang menolaknya ! Hal ini juga berlaku untuk ilmu gendam!

Demikian tipsnya, semoga membantu!

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