Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Rahasia "Nina Bobo"

Nina bobo, oh.. nina bobo..
Kalau tidak bobo di gigit nyamuk...

Lagu tersebut sudah ada sejak nenek moyang kita. Tapi, tahukah Anda ada kisah tragis di balik sebait lagu sederhana tersebut? Pernahkah Anda bertanya-tanya, siapakah Nina?

Alkisah, hidup seorang gadis belia asal Belanda bernama Nina Van Mijk, gadis yang berasal dari keluarga komposer musik klasik sederhana yang menetap di Nusantara. Hidup Nina berjalan normal seperti orang-orang Belanda di Nusantara pada umumnya. Namun, semenjak satu kejadian menimpanya, semuanya berubah.

Suatu malam, badai besar menghantam rumahnya. Dari dalam kamarnya Nina menjerit keras sekali, di ikuti suara vas bunga yang terjatuh dan pecah. Ayah, Ibu serta pembantu keluarga Nina menghambur ke kamar Nina. Nampaklah pemandangan yang mengerikan. Terlihat Nina melipat tubuhnya ke belakang -persis posisi kayang- sambil merayap mundur dan menjerit-mengumpat dalam bahasa Belanda. Rambutnya yang lurus pirang menjadi kusut dan kelopak matanya menghitam. Nina Kerasukan!

Sudah seminggu berlalu semenjak malam itu, Nina dipasung didalam kamarnya. Tangannya diikat dengan seutas tambang. Keadaan Nina makin memburuk, tubuhnya semakin kurus dan pucat. Ibu Nina hanya bisa menangis setiap malam ketika mendengar Nina menjerit-jerit. Ayah Nina tidak tahu harus berbuat apa lagi. Karena putus asa, ayah Nina pulang ke Belanda sendirian meninggalkan anak dan istrinya di Nusantara. Pembantu rumahnya pun pergi meninggalkan rumah itu karena takut. Tinggallah Nina yang dipasung dan Ibunya.

Suatu malam, Nina tidak lagi menjerit-jerit seperti biasanya. Kamarnya begitu hening. Perasaan ibu Nina bercampur aduk antara bahagia dengan takut. Bahagia bila ternyata anaknya sudah sembuh, tetapi takut bila ternyata anaknya sudah meninggal.
Ibu Nina mengintip dari sela-sela pintu kamar Nina, dan ternyata Nina sedang duduk tenang diatas ranjangnya. Tidak berkata apa-apa tapi sejurus kemudian dia menangis sesengukan. Ibu Nina langsung masuk kedalam kamarnya dan memeluk Nina erat-erat. Sambil menangis Nina berkata

“Ibu, aku takut..”

Lalu Ibunya menjawab sambil menangis pula.

“Gak apa nak, Ibu ada disini. Kamu gak perlu menangis lagi, ayo kita makan. Ibu tahu kamu pasti lapar..”

“Aku gak lapar, tetapi bolehkah aku meminta sesuatu?”

“Apapun nak..! apapun..!!”

“Aku ngantuk, rasanya aku akan tertidur sangat pulas. Mau kah ibu nyanyikan sebuah lagu pengantar tidur untukku?”

Ibu Nina terdiam, tapi kemudian ibu Nina berkata sambil mencoba tersenyum.

“Baiklah, ibu akan menyanyikan sebait lagu untukmu..”

Saya yakin Anda sudah tahu lagu apa yang dinyanyikan oleh Ibu Nina. Setelah sebait lagu itu Nina terlelap damai dengan kepala dipangkuan ibunya, wajah anggunnya telah kembali. Ibu Nina menghela nafas lega, anaknya telah tertidur pulas. Tapi..
Nina tak bergerak sedikit pun, nafasnya tak terdengar, denyut nadinya menghilang, aliran darahnya berhenti. Nina telah tertidur benar-benar lelap untuk selamanya dengan sebuah lagu ciptaan ibunya sebagai pengantar kepergian dirinya setelah berjuang melawan penderitaan.

Konon katanya, jika lagu ini dinyanyikan untuk pengantar tidur bayi, tepat ketika kamar ditinggalkan, anak anda tertidur. Nina akan datang ke kamar anak anda dan membuat anak anda tetap terlelap hingga keesokan paginya.

source : (dengan pengubahan seperlunya)

New Competitor in PLASMA 2012

RPJ Undercover - PLASMA is an annual event hold by Student Research Unit at Atma Jaya Catholic University, a renowned University in Indonesia. This series of activities is devoted for high school students to get to know researches and foster critical thinking.

Every year, this event trains a big number of high school students from numerous schools in Jabodetabek, Indonesia and then holds a research competition. Unexpectedly, this year’s event was bigger than the last. It had more sponsors, bigger prizes, and of course, more participants.

This annual event been held for the last 6 years. This event is a very prestigious event because only the best students can follow it. You must be very proud if you can participate on this event. Regina Pacis Senior High School is one of the schools that participated during the PLASMA since 2006. Last year, Regina Pacis Senior High School sent two teams, but this year, Regina Pacis Senior High School had three teams. Each teams consists three students.

So far, Regina Pacis Senior High School always gets the best rank in this event. This year, Regina Pacis Senior High School has chosen the best students from there. Surprisingly, one member in the PLASMA this year 2012 is one of our friends in the X4 class. The chosen one is Michael Loenardi. He is one of the best students in class. He tried hard to win PLASMA this year.

He said, he was so surprise when his name was announce as one of Regina Pacis Senior High School team for this PLASMA event. This is very proud of this. The theme that his group was choosing for PLASMA research this year is the college student response to AIDS patients. His team do the research at some college in Jakarta.

PLASMA officially closed at 21 April 2012. Finally, the judge will inform who the winner is. Regina Pacis Senior High School teams were optimist could be a winner. Sadly, Regina Pacis Senior High School is not the winner anymore like the other year. Regina Pacis Senior High School only gets top eight ranks. All of Regina Pacis Senior High School team was so sad. However, they are not disappointed.

“I will win PLASMA next year! I promise!” said Loenardi. He optimist he can win on this event next year. We just can hope all of the best things for him. We hope Loenardi and team can win next year on this PLASMA event! -Devi

Unexpected Charity

RPJ Undercover - Saturday, 21st April 2012, all of Regina Pacis Jakarta High School does a charity. All of X student (grade 1 at Regina Pacis Senior High School Jakarta) and XI student (grade 2 at Regina Pacis Senior High School Jakarta) went to their place that they have chosen to do their charity. They have to prepare them self to do this charity. They work hard to collect money so they can give it to the place that they want. They do garage sale several times; singing, asking for donations door to door, sells food, and many more. They try to do their best so they can give to the other people by their own work.

One of the classes that have unique experience is X2 from Regina Pacis Senior High School Jakarta. They never thought if they would experience this. First, their appointment was rejecting. They have an appointment on an orphanage house (Foster Home) that located at Kedoya. Nevertheless, when they arrived at there, unfortunately that orphanage house was empty! All of the children in that orphanage house were back to their own house with their family. A lot of children at that orphanage house are still have family but they family is too poor to take care of them. So, all of X2 student cannot do that charity that they had planning.

They are so sad because all snack and stationery that they had packed for orphanage will comes to wasteful. Fortunately, not far from that orphanage house, there are social institutions that accommodate the neglected people, insane people, homeless people, poor people, and disabled people. Finally, they change their purpose from an orphanage to that social institution. They were very hoping that the plan did not fail again this time. Their hope was grant. They finally can do the charities although it was different from the original plan.

Then, they start to begin their charity. The event was opened with a pray. After that, they start their charity with got acquainted each one. Next, they were sitting together in a circle. Then, they started chitchat. Each of them – one by one – got a chance to talk a little bit about them. They share about their life experiences; even it was fun or sad. By telling their life experiences, they feel happier. They also felt closer to each other, and understand about their feelings. Besides that, the people in that social institution were also pleased because there are those who want to hear their life experiences.

They felt happy because they were noticed and heard by X2 students. There are very rarely people who want to visit them and take care of them. So, this charity by X2 Regina Pacis Senior High School Jakarta was make them happier. They were hope if they will be able to be visiting again and can participate in next charity or the other event like that.

Finally, two hours were over without they realize it. All of X2 students should go back to school and end the charity. Before leave that social institutions, they give some sack of rice, milk, and other goods. They hope that the goods they provide can be used as well as possible and beneficial.

“I am very pleased with the activities of charity like this. I love to help people in need,” said Christine, a member from X2. She is look happy with a big smile on her face when us asking how is her felling. Similar with Christine, Juan (Christine’s classmate) said, “That’s was so fun! Hopefully we can do better charity next year!” -Devi

And these are some pics!



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